

Deliverable No.
Appointment of the Ethics Board

This deliverable is to appoint an Ethics Board that will oversee the activities in the project, and be involved, in particular, in tasks T5.1-5.5

Work Package No. - WP.1


Deliverable No.
Common framework for game development

This deliverable describes the game development process, including the
theoretical background, the description of standardized tasks which led to game development, the common framework used and the process which it guided, illustrations used for game development, content adaptation and appendix.

Work Package No. - WP.2


Deliverable No.
Conceptual Development Protocol of EMPOWER Platform and Games

This deliverable includes the Protocol on how to develop educational technological platforms This protocol will present in detail all the necessary steps of the conceptual development of the psychological and educational contents of the platform. It is part of WP2.

Work Package No. - WP.2


Deliverable No.
Platform features and abilities

This deliverable will reflect detailed descriptions of all the features and abilities of the platform

Work Package No. - WP.3


Deliverable No.
Wearables Module

This deliverable provides detailed information on the implementation of the Wearables module.

Work Package No. - WP.3


Deliverable No.
Eye-tracking module

System components needed to get eye-tracking data from devices to be used as an input for the platform games, as well as interfaces with WP4.

Work Package No. - WP.3


Deliverable No.
Initial Algorithms

A report on the initial algorithmic development demonstrating the ability to identify relevant aspects as defined in D4.1 from sensors used on the platform in WP3

Work Package No. - WP.4


Deliverable No.
Ethics Evaluation and Improvement

A report that specifies the first observations and experiences of WP researchers and stakeholders while using the ethical framework, as well as the recommended additions and improvements.

Work Package No. - WP.5


Deliverable No.
Exchange of experiences, expectations, and concerns(improved framework specifications)​

The following report, produced by Work Package 5, documents “the exchange of experiences, expectations, and concerns as expressed by Work Package researchers and stakeholders during the first auditing session”
(Empower, 2021) of the Empower Project.

Work Package No. - WP.5


Deliverable No.
Website and Social Media Channels

Project website and social media accounts

Work Package No. - WP.7


Deliverable No.
7.2 Dissemination plan and Annexes

This document describes the communication and dissemination strategy of EMPOWER project.

Work Package No. - WP.7